Metaphysical Healing

Dictionary explanation:


Meta physics: The concept as the study of that which lies at the edge of, or outside of, the world humans have immediate access to.


Healing: Is an alternative treatment method performed by a healer who uses psychic powers (for example, transferring energy through laying on of hands or distance healing) to heal illnesses. However, it can be done both consciously and unconsciously.


The word healing means healing, and people, animals, plants and things can be healed. My belief and conviction is that there is energy in everything around us. The universe is filled with energy. Energy is not limited by houses or mountains. The more consciously you work with energy, the more you benefit.


Metaphysical healing is used to uncover physical and psychological obstacles, stresses, challenges and problems that may be in and/or around you and in your mind and body. These can also stem from past lives and incarnations. I 'read' this in the form of colors and symbols in and around the body. I also use clairvoyant messages and visions around the exterior of the body and in the internal organs. I also look for viruses and stressful lifestyles that prevent the body from normalizing itself.


I am of the belief that the things we fail, we have "self" attracted in one way or another. In my world, our body is like a highly efficient tool that tells us when something in our life is too stressful or too hard for us. As individuals, we would all be able to heal ourselves if we were able to be objective enough. In the case of a chronic problem, I also advise the client to consult a doctor.


Metaphysical healing is seen as a complement to the established system.

I use healing in the programs I have with my clients.

Info about healing services:

Remote healing: Can be used by anyone who wants and needs to receive healing in challenging situations or where you simply feel you need extra help and assistance. 


This is how it works: You contact me either by SMS, email or phone and describe your situation to me, what you want to receive healing for and where you are when the healing takes place. Then you transfer the money to me either on mobilepay/ or via the account number stated under contact, and you will then receive the healing.


Healing: I offer healing for different age groups, and also for dogs, cats, and horses. When I go out and heal cats and horses (which can be difficult to transport for the owners), I agree on a price with the owners depending on where and what I need to heal. The km price out / home is added to the price. The guideline for healing animals is usually the same rate as the adult rate, but reservations are always made for the difficulty and extent of the healing.


Healing for people usually takes place at my place. Under special circumstances, I drive out where needed, against a kilometer price settlement.

Short description and example of healing: I have a healing table that you lay on, after which I start the healing by standing at the foot end and placing my hands on your feet. Then I explain a little about what the healing involves and what your body is telling me... 


I heal with the laying on of hands or by working in the aura. I talk during the healing, and you are welcome to ask questions if there is something you don't quite understand. I may also encourage you to talk about experiences you have had. This is also part of the healing.


Collector's discount: If you want to have a longer course with me, you can invest in a collector's discount course. You decide for yourself how long you want to use the program. The planning can be done in consultation with your spiritual advisor.


Collector's discount can also be used as a joint investment if there are several of you who want some courses, or many of you would like to get together for some events. However, I take a maximum of 3 to 4 pieces at a time.


You can use both healing and clairvoyance in the collectible discount you invest in. Collector discount courses are 10 hours in total.